Live Balled Trees
Take home a Live Balled Christmas tree to enjoy for the holidays and beyond…
The following species are available as of the beginning of the 2023 season, and are generally priced from $150-225 for most trees:
Blue Spruce – available from 4-6′
Norway Spruce – available from 4-6′
White pine – sorry, not available this year
Canaan Fir – available from 4-6′
Purchasing a live Christmas tree is a wonderful tradition that will allow you to enjoy your tree during the holidays and for years to come. But, special care must be taken to ensure the tree lives and thrives in the future. For planning, and best results, please review the following tips for caring for a live Christmas tree.
Caring for your Live Christmas Tree
- The tree should be stored in an unheated, sheltered area such as a garage or porch, out of the wind and sun before bringing in for the holiday
- For the best chances of tree survival, limit the amount of time your tree is in the house to about one week.
- While inside, the tree should not be placed near a heat source (vent, fireplace, wood burning stove, etc.)
- The tree will need adequate water. The root ball should be kept slightly damp but not flooded. Wrap the root ball in plastic or place in a tub while it is in the house.
- Live trees may be decorated, but with care. If lights are used they must not give off any heat.
- Do not remove the tree directly from a warm house out into freezing temperatures. Instead, move to a sheltered area first for several days.
- When choosing a location to plant the tree be sure to consider the features of your landscape. The traditional Christmas trees like firs, spruces, and pines become very large when mature. Select an open area where there are no overhanging tree branches or wires.
- If the ground is not frozen, the tree may be replanted. The spot to be dug may be mulched to prevent freezing. Plant the tree as soon as possible. If snow prevents you from planting your tree, keep it in an unheated garage, porch or protected area away from sun and wind.
- When planting, if the tree has burlap, remove as much of the rope and burlap as you can. If the tree is in a container (plastic, synthetic, etc.) completely remove it from the container. Do not attempt to remove soil from the root ball.
- Backfill hole with good quality soil. Apply mulch over the top of the planted root ball to prevent it from freezing. Water only as needed – a flooded tree may not survive.
- Stake the tree to prevent wind tipping or damage during the first growing season if needed.